Information on the Processing of Customer and Supplier Personal Data

WSA-ECOSONDAS, S.L. is committed to protecting the privacy rights of any individual whose personal data is processed by WSA-ECOSONDAS, S.L. For this reason, in the following, we would like to fulfill our obligation to inform you about the processing of your data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

The Data Controller:

WSA-ECOSONDAS, S.L. (CIF:B-65033979)

Data Protection Officer Contact Information:

Please feel free to direct any questions you may have about the processing of your personal data to our Local Data Protection Officer, as well as to any application to rectify or delete data, restrict its processing or transmit it.
  • By e-mail:
  • By postal mail:
    WSA-ecosondas, S.L
    Data Protection Department
    Plaza de las Artes, 3.
    08401- Granollers. Barcelona

Purpose of Processing and Legal Basis:

We process your personal data in accordance with the provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Firstly, data processing serves to establish, implement and terminate the contractual relationship. The main legal basis for this is Art. 6. 1 b) RGPD. The processing of your data is necessary for the performance of a contract including the delivery of goods and the obligation to pay.

We also process your data on the basis of art. 6. 1 f) GDPR to protect our legitimate interests or those of third parties (e.g. authorities). This may be necessary, for example:
  • To maintain IT security and IT operations;
  • For direct advertising of identical or similar products and services of WSA-ECOSONDAS, S.L. and companies affiliated to WSA-ECOSONDAS, S.L., e.g. through e-shots, newsletters or customer satisfaction surveys;
  • For corporate governance, internal communication and other administrative purposes.
WSA-ecosondas, S.L
Plaza de las Artes, 3. Loc. Right.
08401- Granollers. BARCELONA
Tel/Fax: 938 700 601 / 935 106 437

Data Categories and Data Sources:

We process the following categories of data: first name, last name, address, contact and communication data, such as telephone numbers and e-mail address, contractual data and data from the contractual relationship, such as product interest, type of contract, complaint data, payment information. As a general rule, we collect data directly from you within the framework of the contractual or pre-contractual relationship as well as during the business relationship, but in individual cases we may also have obtained the data by your company. In addition, we process personal data that we have legitimately obtained from publicly available sources (e.g., professional networks).

Target audience:

Within our company, only persons who need your personal data to fulfill our contractual and legal obligations will receive your personal data. We may also share the information you have provided to us with our distributors, as long as it is for the intended purpose for which it was collected.

WSA-ECOSONDAS, S.L. sometimes uses external service providers to process your data in a technical way. We may transmit or process your data outside the country in which you reside or in one of the countries in which WSA-ECOSONDAS, S.L. operates. Such entities may also be located outside the European Economic Area. In the event that we transfer personal data to service providers or Group companies outside the European Economic Area (EEA), the transfer will only take place if the EU Commission confirms that the third country has an adequate level of data protection or if adequate data protection safeguards are in place (e.g., binding internal company data protection provisions or EU standard contractual clauses).

Retention Period:

WSA-ECOSONDAS, S.L. only stores your personal data for as long as it is necessary for the purposes mentioned above. Once the contractual relationship has ended, your personal data will be stored for as long as we are legally obliged to do so. This can generally be determined on the basis of statutory liability and retention requirements that are regulated by local laws, which stipulate certain retention periods of up to ten years. In addition, personal data may be retained for as long as claims may be brought against us and for a maximum of 10 years.

Rights and Duties of Affected Persons:

Provided that the legal conditions are met, you have the following rights under the GDPR: the right of access, the right of rectification, the right of erasure, the right to object to processing.

Right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority:

You have the option of contacting the Data Protection Officer listed above or a data protection supervisory authority with a complaint.
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